Cell tower space is becoming crowded with so many other industries vying for rented space. You need backup telecom generators that can deliver the needed kWs, while fitting into a smaller footprint.
PLUS POWER provides rugged diesel generators to provide standby power for telecom needs. They work well with critical power components such as UPS systems, rectifiers, and HVAC systems that ensure power will be continuous as the generator starts and runs up to speed.

Cell tower locations vary: they are either in the middle of cities or in the middle of nowhere. PLUS POWER manufactures sound-attenuated enclosures that reduce the noise level for city or urban cell tower locations. We also produce extreme weather-resistant enclosures, should your tower be located on a mountain, near the ocean, or in the Midwest and subject to a variety of weather events.
In the telecom sector, we have numerous projects with industry-leading operators, which has given us extensive experience in this important area.